How To Add People on Ameba

Looking for a particular friend but don’t know how to add them? Well, I’m here to show you how~ (Click pictures to see them bigger, it will open a new tab and then click it again to see huge size)

HowToAddYou can search by Nickname or ID. ID is best, because you will find them better than Nickname, since most people use same nickname and would be quite hard to find them.

NOTE: If you are age 15 or over and the person you are trying to add is 15 or under, you can not add them unless they were 15 or over or you were 15 and under. (Same thing as the other around, you being under 15 and them being over 15.)

Now check your Requests to see if it has sent:


Your sent friend requests will stay there unless it has been accepted or denied. Unless you can cancel it with the grey button.

5 thoughts on “How To Add People on Ameba

  1. OK! So my host little sister and I are trying to become friends on pigg, but for some reason we can not find eachother, might you know why?

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